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Zackry StevensonPhDFall 2024Earth, Atmosphere, and ClimateElizabeth SwannerIron cycling and metal utilization by phototrophic and diazotrophic bacteria in iron-rich aquatic systems
Akhil Anilkumar PhDSummer 2024Veterinary Pathology Amanda Fales-Williams

Extraintestinal effects of Clostridioides difficile infection and C. difficile metabolite para-cresol 

Abesh BeraPhDSummer 2024Genetics, Development, and Cell Biology Mohan GuptaPeer-to-peer regulation of cytoplasmic microtubules and alpha-tubulin isotype mediated regulation of interpolar microtubules facilitate anaphase during mitosis
Logan OttPhDSummer 2024Food Science and Human NutritionMelha Mellata Bacterial plasmid transfer in the gut: Regulation and inhibition
Holly LoperPhDSpring 2024Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology Steven HallQuantifying environmental impacts of agricultural nitrogen management with soil block mesocosms
Chiron AndersonPhDSpring 2024Animal ScienceStephan Schmitz-EsserCharacterization of the rumen epithelial microbiota of cattle and other ruminants through bioinformatics approaches: Discovering core microbiota, gene expression during sub-acute ruminal acidosis, and functional capabilities of novel metagenome assembled genomes
Malissa GrimsleyPhDFall 2023Veterinary Microbiology and Preventive MedicineAlexandra ScuphamModernization of historical Avian Leukosis Virus extraneous agent testing
Kruttika PhadkePhDFall 2023Veterinary Microbiology and Preventive MedicineBryan BellairePathogenesis of intracellular organisms
Katie AllgaierMsFall 2023Plant Pathology, Entomology and MicrobiologySteven HarrisPhenotypic and genotypic characterization of a hyper-localized population of Macrophomina phaseolina
Debarpan DharPhDSpring 2023Veterinary Microbiology and Preventive MedicineCathy MillerUnderstanding genome packaging and the function of vimentin during mammalian orthoreovirus infection
Tonia DurandMsSpring 2023Food Science and Human NutritionAubrey MendoncaApplication of atmospheric cold plasma for inactivating enteric pathogenic bacteria on shredded coconut and molds on shredded mozzarella and mild cheddar cheese
Bienvenido Tibbs-CortesPhDFall 2022Animal ScienceStephan Schmitz-EsserIdentification and Functional Characterization of Genes Involved in the Listeria monocytogenes Stress Response
Swastik SenPhDFall 2022Chemical and Biological EngineeringThomas MansellExpanding the toolbox for gene editing and expression in Lactococcus lactis
Wan SunPhDFall 2022Chemical and Biological EngineeringZengyi ShaoMetabolic engineering of non-model yeasts for polymer precursor production and cellulose degradation
El-Sadig Ibrahim Abdo AliMSFall 2022Food Science and Human NutritionAubrey MendoncaApplication of atmospheric cold plasma for inactivation of foodborne enteric pathogens on cantaloupe melon and whole raw carrots
Brandon Scott RuddellPhDFall 2022Veterinary Microbiology and Preventive MedicineAmanda J. Kreuder,
Paul J. Plummer
Investigation of small RNAs CjNC110 and CjNC140 and the activated methyl cycle in the pathobiology of Campylobacter jejuni
Dua Xong VangMSSummer 2022Plant Pathology, Entomology and MicrobiologyLarry HalversonExperimental and genetic tools for elucidating the contribution of secreted public goods and genetic pathways to rhizosphere competence of Pseudomonas putida
Kia Cristin BarryMSSpring 2022Food Science and Human NutritionAubrey Mendonca, Gregory PhillipsLong-term-survival phase Salmonella enterica: Life cycle comparison with a high persister mutant, and tolerance to atmospheric cold plasma
Chloe WasendorfPhDSpring 2022Plant Pathology, Entomology and MicrobiologyNancy Boury, Nick PetersGrowing plants and minds: Examining soft rot causing bacteria and students' understanding of genetic concepts
Kristina R. LarsenMSSpring 2022Veterinary Microbiology and Preventive MedicineAustin K. Viall,
Bryan H. Bellaire
Catching NETs—development of a flow cytometric assay to detect canine neutrophil extracellular traps
Charles E. LewisPhDSpring 2022Veterinary Microbiology and Preventive MedicineJim RothSusceptibility of domestic pigs to experimental infection with ebolaviruses
Elena M. ThornhillPhDSpring 2022Veterinary Microbiology and Preventive MedicineDavid VerhoevenMolecular mechanisms of Respiratory Syncytial Virus regulation

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